Monday 28 March 2011

Saturday in the sun...

I'm just back from a weekend with my bro in Wales. One epic walk around a vast horseshoe  and greeted by the cutest puppy - I think I'd love to have a dog. Can I do that while living in London?


Isn't that just the most adorable dog...?! Next stop, get organised for the big trip to TZ to see the Mint's life out there. Simply cannot wait...

Thursday 24 March 2011


Another extraordinarily beautiful day in London. I took inspiration from a visit to the Tate Modern and rounded the day off with a stunning sunset and a glass of Merlot.

Oli & Tori




I loved this alcove attached to the marquee. Just another example of the little touches that made this wedding so memorable.

I've just been reminded of this fantastic wedding that I was lucky enough to go to last summer. Oli & Tori really are the perfect couple and they put on an amazingly memorable home-grown wedding. Tori is a graphic designer from Norfolk. If you'd like to see more of her work, check out her blog at Wellies & Vogue. She and Oli are super talented and I think they've set a bit of a blueprint for rural weddings! Thank you for a very special day...

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Street shot experiment


It's amazing how much the fog seems to lift from Londoners eyes when the sun finally comes out in the big smoke. I spent the morning wandering around the west end between exhibitions and capturing people enjoying the first signs of summer. Or is that spring? I've been experimenting with a few different styles. I hope you enjoy them...

Friday 18 March 2011

Surfing or bowling...?


It would appear as though you can take the man out of London, but you can't take London out of the man. The sea couldn't have been flatter. 'Like a mill pond' doesn't come close to describing the calm that spread for miles along the South Wales coast. Nevertheless, a fantastic weekend away from the big smoke. All followed up with an attempt at bowling. Not much more luck. Although this time, I don't think we can blame the weather conditions for the result...

Wednesday 9 March 2011

a little welcome from me...

London and Wales at their best: Full of life, buzzing with people and vitality on one hand. Empty, calm, peaceful on the other. Two of my favourite places...